Hello. Thank you for downloading MyCalorieCheck app. To understand how the app works, you will need to answer some of the questions from your profile (ex: height, weight, goal..etc).
How to set a macro:
Let's start off by knowing your protein intake. Protein helps reduce appetite and hunger, increase muscle mass and strength, and good for your bones.
A general idea is to set your protein intake between 0.8g to 1.0g per pound. For example, if your weight is 190 pounds and you want adjust the protein scale to 1.0g/pound, it would be 190 g of proteins.
You get to adjust your protein.
Next, adjust how much fat and carbs you want to consume based on percentage. (Recommendation for fat loss: 15%-20%) (Recommendation for weight gain: 20%-25%)
Once the macros have been set, it will provide you the total macros (grams of proteins, carbs and fat) to consume.
When you look at the nutritional labels, it will give you the amount of total grams of fat, carbs, and proteins PER SERVING.
Make sure you input your food in the diary.
If your food is not listed in the food bank, you can manually input your food and put all those information in there. Yes, it's a hassle, but your food will be on the list (data base) the next time you consume it.
TIP: there are other third party food diary apps that may have more food banks and you could use it based on your preference to keep track of your food, however; this app will be your main source for knowing how much you need to consume.